Winter Arrow Outreach Update

Christmas Celebrated Despite COVID Challenges

 Ultima Milla distributed gifts and food at the Toribio Center and at two churches, Verdad y Redención and Verdad y Salvación. Pastor Jesus Nuñez prepared piping hot pans of pizza for a small gathering of families to celebrate the Christmas season at the Tocando Puertas Center. Thanks to the generous individuals and churches that helped make these Christmas celebrations possible.

Donor Tax Receipts Sent Out

Tax receipts were mailed out to 2020 donors in late January. If you have not received your tax receipt, please contact Arrow Outreach at

Arrow Outreach Board Zooms to Juarez

Zoom meetings have allowed the Board to stay connected with its Juarez partners during the pandemic. Here are some highlights from the January meeting:

·       The city is currently at COVID-19 Level Yellow.

·       Students are taking online classes and pairing up to share internet access until the city is at level green.

·       City curfews limit movement on the weekends.

·       The first round of COVID-19 vaccines is being administered to essential medical workers.

·       The civil associations are operating their centers at 3% capacity per government mandate.

Civil Associations Focus on Community Needs

Tocando Puertas is providing food to families and computer lab access to students studying online.

Ultima Milla is providing food and shelter at the Toribio Center to migrants who have been waiting at the border for many months.

Yo y Mi Casa, with social distancing measures in place, is the central hub for the distribution of the Starfish Scholarships. 

Over 200 Starfish Scholars

The estimated cost of the Starfish Scholarships for over 200 students in 2021 is $65,200.

Please help us meet our goal by making a gift today.